Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Say Yes to Solar!

I came across this on Cnet this afternoon, and was pleasantly surprised. For once the U.S. Senate got something good accomplished. After 8 times voting down a bill to extend tax credits to homeowners who install solar power systems, a bill which was set to expire this year, they finally approved the measure this past week. The bill now only has to be approved by the House, who had already passed it's predecessors before, so that should be no problem.

In the wake of gas prices rising after Hurricanes Hannah and Ike passed through the Gulf of Mexico, significantly shutting down oil production and and refining, and measure like this that can serve to diminish our dependence on oil is, I think, a worthwhile measure. Furthermore, this helps in many ways, providing tax credits to homeowners in a time of shaky financial markets, which serves to help stimulate the market at it's most effective level; it also gets the general public involved and thinking about green energy, and provides motivation for them to do something about it. Bravo, Congress!

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