Friday, October 3, 2008

Politics and the iPhone

This post was meant to go up yesterday, however like many of the politically minded people in America, I got caught up in the hubbub during and after the VP debates.
Yesterday the BBC posted an article of particular interest to this year's election; the Obama campaign has yet again taken the technology forefront, this time with the iPhone. Since Apple allowed for third party applications over the summer, the Obama campaign developed an application for their campaign last month that could be utilized by their most important resource: the people. The application includes news updates, a friends management component which the article states will let users keep track of their friends political positions and who has been called, and a notes component, with talking points for people to use to convince their friends. This use of the rapidly accelerating technological world is a theme that Obama has been quick to use; he made good use of both youtube and facebook resources early in his campaign to try and reach out to a younger, more internet savy generation, and now with this application the campaign can extend their reach through people's personal friendships.

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